Industrial Analytics Essentials | Interstates | Web

EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL ANALYTICS As you progress through the stages of digital transformation, the impact of industrial analytics becomes evident throughout your operations. A few of the primary benefits are listed below.

Maximize Your Workforce Workforce challenges are impacting industries worldwide. Teams are asked to do more with less, while experienced workers leave the workforce, taking years of industry knowledge with them. To manage these issues, organizations are turning to industrial automation and analytic technologies to create the “plant of the future,” which can boost efficiency, facilitate knowledge transfer, and enable teams to focus on value-driven tasks. Organizations need to find ways to centralize their data to alleviate the resource strain and loss of knowledge. Bringing your plant’s data into one system reduces the time it takes to gather the information and find the answers you need. One specific solution to this is a remote monitoring center. Industrial plants can have a hub with advanced analytic capabilities that provide real-time oversight and support. This center continuously tracks the performance across the plant and makes it easy to troubleshoot with experts. This makes it easier to ensure optimal plant health. Reduce Downtime Aging equipment and maintenance issues can lead to unplanned downtime. Through predictive analytics and IIoT sensors, you can monitor machinery conditions, anticipate failures, and extend equipment life – all of which enhance overall efficiency and help you avoid costs from unplanned outages. IIoT solutions can provide essential data on the health of your critical assets. Predictive maintenance, for example, predicts when a machine is likely to fail. Similarly, line balancing uses models to indicate over- and underutilized equipment. Both are used to reduce your unplanned downtime. These solutions allow you to be proactive with your maintenance strategy, guaranteeing the right parts are on-site before issues occur and giving you time to service the necessary equipment during a planned shutdown.

Eliminate Islands of Automation Disconnected data points make it hard to see the big picture of your operations. Integrating systems and industrial data creates a connected flow of information that streamlines operations, enhances productivity, and provides a comprehensive view of your processes. It’s not uncommon for manufacturers to face challenges when collecting and utilizing data across different plants. Two primary reasons for this are isolated control skids and multiple data sources. Integrating skid data gives you a more accurate view of your process. This helps identify any delays or issues in your workflow and enables you to conduct batch or process analysis. Additionally, having multiple data sources that contain “the truth” can create confusion and inconsistency. By unifying all your data into a central source of truth, you can ensure standardization and have more confidence in the accuracy of your data. Increase Cybersecurity Leveraging analytics for continuous monitoring ensures data integrity and minimizes the risk of cyber threats. It can also help you understand your cybersecurity posture, adding visibility to protect your operations. Cybersecurity is an obvious must-have in today’s manufacturing environment. Active monitoring of control system security allows manufacturers to respond in real time with critical patches as cyber threats occur. Dashboarding cybersecurity compliance at your plant means issues can be traced to the device level, letting you pinpoint out-of-compliance devices immediately. This type of visibility and transparency can save entire plants from going offline during a cybersecurity event, empowering your OT and IT professionals to act quickly on securing your critical systems.


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