Seed & Grain Market Experience | Interstates | Web

Tapping into a renewable natural gas project for the first time, Interstates recently worked with Gevo to build a central biogas purification site and connect it to three different dairies in Northwest Iowa. Interstates provided Gevo with power distribution, PLC design and construction, programming, instrumentation, and heat trace work.


WHAT WE DO Imn at er rksettast, ei sn cpl ur odvi ni dgevsa il nu de -uasdt rdieadl sa og l, uetni oe nr gs y f oa nr dv ac rhieomu s- ipcaacl ,k af og oe dd gaonodd sb, eavnedr asgoel a, rmaits sbi oo tnh car ri tei gc ai ol ,n ac lo na ns ud mn ea r- teixopnearl i el envceel .i nWt eh eb sr ei negd oa nu rd cg lriaeinnt smaa rwk ei dt ,ef rborme agdrtehe no -f field builds to support for existing facilities, including upgrades, service calls, and ongoing maintenance. Interstates industrial offerings include: I Electrical Engineering I Electrical Construction I Instrumentation I Industrial Automation & Integration I PCroondtruocltiPoannels, Power Skids, and E-House I OT Infrastructure and Cybersecurity I Regional Support and Maintenance Services IGnrtaei rns tpartoejse cct afnr o hma ne da lrel y edveesriyg tnh it nh gr o fuogrh ycoounrs t Sr ue ec tdi o&n awnady sc ot on tardo dl s vparl ouger aa nmdms ianvge. tWi me ea. rRe eal lywi nagy so lno op kr ei nf agbfroi r- cmaat ii on nt aiisnoi nnge ws oal yi dwdeesstiagyn o. nO tuorp aouf tooumr astci ho end suol el uwt i ho inl es wM iol ld ee nr ns iuzraet i yoonu Ar cptl arne tg ui sl actoi omnps .l i aL ne tt wo ui trh dFeosoi gdn S- ba uf ei tl dy your project’s electrical

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SAMPLING OF CLIENTS & SERVICES ADM EA luetcotmr i caat il oCno &n sItnr tuecgt ri oa nt i,oEnl,eIcnt sr ti cr aulmEenngtiantei oe rni,nEgl,eIcnt dr iucsatl r i a l PSerervfaicbersication, Maintenance & Support, Consulting AG PROCESSING, INC. EA luetcotmr i caat il oCno &n sItnr tuecgt ri oa nt i,oEnl,eIcnt sr ti cr aulmEenngtiantei oe rni,nEgl,eIcnt dr iucsatl r i a l PSerervfaicbersication, Maintenance & Support, Consulting AGSTATE EA luetcotmr i caat il oCno &n sItnr tuecgt ri oa nt i,oEnl,eEc tl er icct ar il cEanl gPirneef ae br irni cg a, tI ni odnu s t r i a l BUNGE EA luetcotmr i caat il oCno &n sItnr tuecgt ri oa nt i,oEnl,eEc tl er icct ar il cEanl gPirneef ae br irni cg a, tI ni odnu s t r i a l CARGILL EA luetcotmr i caat il oCno &n sItnr tuecgt ri oa nt i,oEnl,eIcnt sr ti cr aulmEenngtiantei oe rni,nEgl,eIcnt dr iucsatl r i a l PS er er vf ai cbersi c, aOtTi oInn, fMr aasitnr ut ecnt ua nr ec e&&S uSpuppoprotr t , C o n s u l t i n g CENEX HARVEST STATES EA luetcotmr i caat il oCno &n sItnr tuecgt ri oa nt i,oEnl,eIcnt sr ti cr aulmEenngtiantei oe rni,nEgl,eIcnt dr iucsatl r i a l PSerervfaicbersication, Maintenance & Support, Consulting CENTRAL VALLEY AG EA luetcotmr i caat il oCno &n sItnr tuecgt ri oa nt i,oEnl,eMc tar ii nc at el nEanngci ne e&e rSi un pg ,pIonrdt u s t r i a l

CORTEVA EA luetcotmr i caat il oCno &n sItnr tuecgt ri oa nt i,oEnl,eIcnt sr ti cr aulmEenngtiantei oe rni,nEgl,eIcnt dr iucsatl r i a l Prefabrication, Maintenance & Support GREEN THUMB EA luetcotmr i caat il oCno &n sItnr tuecgt ri oa nt i,oEnl,eIcnt sr ti cr aulmEenngtiantei oe rni,nEgl,eIcnt dr iucsatl r i a l Prefabrication LOUIS DREYFUS EI nl es tcrt ur imc aelnCt oa nt isotnr ,uMc tai oi nnt, eEnlaenc tcrei c&a lSEunpgpionrete r i n g , THE ANDERSONS EAluetcotmricaatiloCno&nsItnrtuecgtrioanti,oEnlectrical Engineering, Industrial ZEELAND FARMS E&leScutprpicoarltConstruction, Instrumentation, Maintenance “The goal of this project was to tie two facilities together using an automated system. Interstates brought both those facilities, from two completely different eras in grain handling, together seam- lessly. We are now able to use automation and com- puter control systems in both facilities to move and process grain.” - Josh Rensink, Owner, Green Thumb

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