Harinas Elizondo Mill LosReyer Project | Interstates | Web

Tapping into a renewable natural gas project for the first time, Interstates recently worked with Gevo to build a central biogas purification site and connect it to three different dairies in Northwest Iowa. Interstates provided Gevo with power distribution, PLC design and construction, programming, instrumentation, and heat trace work.

HARINAS ELIZONDO MILL PROJECT EXPERIENCE IEnl itzeor ns tdaot e. Bs up irlot vaitdaend idnecsr iegdni ,bel yn gf ai ns te epraicneg, , tphreofgarcai ml i t my hi nags, aauntdo ms t aa rt it ounp es ve er vr yi cwe hs eart ea - nf er owmf l roeucre mi v ii nl l gf or ra iHl ca ar irns atso p su a c c c k e a s g s i f n u g l m sta a r c t h u i p n . es. Having a good plan in place was key, from engineering to programming, resulting in a KEY SCOPE COMPONENTS Pr erdouv inddeadnftu, al lnodpwe rea tdi oe lni vael rt ee dc hannotliovgi ryuns ,eftiwr mo rwkadr ee sui gpnd aatneds , parnodc upraetmc hemn ta. nAal lgseemr veenrtssaenr vdi ccel ise. n t s w e r e v i r t u a l i z e d a n d Imnastnaalgleedmoeunrt ,I-aCnodndtreoelpsiynstteegmrawtihoinchwpitrhovaildl seus ptrpalicekdaenqdutirpamceencta.pabilities along with lot tracking, reporting, recipe Provide the facility with 24-hour support for automation, networking, and OT infrastructure.

SERVICES PROVIDED Industrial Automation & Integration

PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS I Consulting Services I OT Infrastructure

DOLLAR AMOUNT $2,000,000 $

LOCATION Los Reyes, Mexico



712.722.1662 | www.interstates.com |

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