Square Roots Project | Interstates | Web

Tapping into a renewable natural gas project for the first time, Interstates recently worked with Gevo to build a central biogas purification site and connect it to three different dairies in Northwest Iowa. Interstates provided Gevo with power distribution, PLC design and construction, programming, instrumentation, and heat trace work.

SQUARE ROOTS PROJECT EXPERIENCE tIenatme r swt ao trekse dd euspi gsneevde rt ah le di inf fdeur setnr ti acloenl ce ec pt rtiuc aa ll lpaaynoeul tss f ao nr da sni ez we aSrqr ua na rgee mR oe on tt ss itnodboeosrt fma reme t. Nt heewc ltioe ni nt ’ds onoere fdasr. mDiensgp, iot eu r pSqouteanrteiaRlolyoltosnegvelenabdrtoimkeegsr, oInutnedrs. tates was able to keep to the client’s schedule and get the panels delivered before KEY SCOPE COMPONENTS -- ICnotne sr tsat anttecsoaml smo upnr oi cvaitdi eo dn swwi ti ht c thhgee ac lri, el ingthat ni ndg apl latnheel sI,natne dr sltiagthetsi npga rctoi ne st rionlvl eorl vs .e d h e l p e d n a r r o w i n o n t h e b e s t - Tdaeksiingng tfiomr ethteopcroonjseicdte. r what would be best for the client in the long-run and adapting designs helped Square - ORuorotssysstteaymoanllsocwheedduthlee. client to collect millions of data points which are analyzed to optimize crop yield and taste.

SERVICES PROVIDED Industrial Electrical Panels

I Power Distribution Equipment


DOLLAR AMOUNT $110,000 $

INDUSTRY Value-Added Ag

LOCATION Undisclosed Location


712.722.1662 | www.interstates.com |

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