Grounding Audit Process Brochure | Interstates

WHAT TO EXPECT YOUR GUIDE TO A SUCCESSFUL GROUNDING AUDIT YOUR ROLE Your involvement keeps the project moving. Here are a few things we’ll need from you as we move through the process: 12 .. WP roorvki dwe iet hx ius tsi nt og sgcrhoeudnudlien tghderoanw-isni tges garnodu an df ai nc igl iat yu ds ii tt e p l a n i f a v a i l a b l e 3 . *aPsrsoi svti do eu rutsewc hi tnhi cai agnu iwdiet hwtheos thi nags aa ngdo or edcuonr ddienrgs toafngdrionugnodf rt he sei sptoawn ceer d i s t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m t o 45.. RAettveinedwaannddpaaprptircoivpeatme odnutrhinlygitnhveokiciecskoff, site recap, and review meetings 6. Inform us of any corrective action taken based on the recommendations, including new 7. rSeasviestfainnacel droeacudminegns.tsThfoerffiuntaulrreepuosert will reflect the updated conditions. *Note: Depending on options selected in the proposal, Interstates may be contracted to complete this item. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE Over the course of your project, you can expect to receive: 12.. PMroongtrhelsysirnevpooicretss based on the project’s progression 34.. URepc-otom-dmaetendstaattiuosnsoftothaedgdrroeussndhiinghg saynsdtecmritical ohm readings to keep your employees safe and 5. pFrinevdeinngtseolenctarnicyaal dedqiutiipomnaelnstadfeatmy aanged reliability concerns associated with your facility’s 6. gAroguronudnindginsgysatuedmit report signed by a professional engineer in the associated state



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