Electrical Obsolescence Case Study | Interstates | Web

A nationally recognized food and beverage company recently utilized Interstates to identify and document instances of electrical obsolescence at over forty of its facilities spread throughout the United States and Canada.

ELECTRICAL OBSOLESCENCE AUDITS CASE STUDY The Proactive Approach to an Aging Electrical Infrastructure Ae l encattriioc na al lol yb sroe lceosgc ne inzceed af to oo vdear nf do rbt ye voefr iat gs ef accoi ml i tpi easn syprreecaedn tt hl yr ou ut igl ihzoe ud t I tnht ee rUs nt ai tt ee sd tSot ai dt eesn at inf yd aCnadn addoac. uTmheonutg ihn tsht aenpc leasn ot sf had unique sizes and configurations, they all had a common problem – aging electrical gear and components. The client tt oo oakv oa i dp ruonaec xt ipveecat epdp rdooawc hn ttiomme aainndt aiisnsiunegs tchaeurseeldi abbyi l iet qy uoi fpimt seonpt ef ar ai ltui or en so;r

meleaclfturinccatlioonb,stohleesccleiennctecaoundtirta. cted Interstates to complete a thorough Ts iht ee’ sd ea lteacct or ilcl eacl tiendf rda us trri un cgt tuhree aaunddi te qa lul oi pwmeednItnwt eirt sht aa tlei fset oe xapsesci gt annecaycahn d li inf teoc yac Pl eo swt ae truBsI . dTahseh ibnof ao rr dmtaht ai ot no fgf ae tr hs ear eb di g d- puircitnugr et hvei eawu doi ft twh ae sheena tl et hr e d sa tbai tl iut sy ot of er ae cvhi efwa c, iel di t iyt ’, sa enlde cut sr ei c tahl ei ndf ar at as tfrour cbt uu rdeg ae nt adr yg iav ne ds trhe ep lcal iceenmt et hn et pWlaitnhneinngh.anced visibility and access to vital data via the dashboard, tohpee rcal itei on nt ac al na smwaeklel ai ns fpoer rmf oerdmb us ms i na rets sb udde gc iestiionngsf ot or ka enet ipc iipt sa tpel da netlse c t r i c a l replacements.

Don’t Wait - Evaluate Your Electrical System Health Today Ef aqcut iopfml ief ne t– gbeut st i of lydoeur deovne ’rtys tyaerat rp l–a ni tn’ si n ga umnatni lu farecpt ul arceedmaenndt a gpeadr t se q uairpemne not cl oanugs eesr snuede dd etno bd eo wa bnltei mt oe m, i ta’ sk ea li rnef aodr my teododleact ei s. i Yoonus ae bl eocut rt i c awl hoabt s otloe s creenpcl ae caeu daint dw i lwl hg ei vne. yAo nu dr eapt al a oc enmeeqnuti ppml aennnti nl igf eacnydc lbe usdt ag ge et isn ga .n d a i d A“ W er erperceosgennitzaetdi v ew eo fd i dtnh’et hcalvi een ta cslaeyasr, understanding of the health of the electrical infrastructure in our facilities, specifically as yr os tuenmds . Wo uer n el ae rdgeedr t opcorwe aetre ad hi set ar il bt hu tai no nd lWi f ei tchy ct lhei s bdaasteal ,i nwee fwo re r ea l la bol eu rt oe dq euti eprmmei nn te. ww ah sa tneoq luoinpgme er natvwa ial as bplaes ot irt ss uu ps epfourl tlei fde , bwyhi at st mw ea rneu faavcat ui l raebrl, ea nf rdo mw htaht ep amr at sn ua fnadc tsuurpe pr oor rt third-party suppliers.”

Power Distribution Gear & Components 1 Medium Voltage Gear & Protective Devices The audit covered both power and controls aspects of the plants’ infrastructure, including:

Controls Devices Running the Production Lines 1 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC’s) 2 Motor Control Panels (MCP’s) 3 Human Machine Interfaces (HMI’s) 4 Automation Hardware

2 Switchboards 3 MCC Lineups 4 Breakers/Fuses 400A & Larger 5 480V Panelboards 6 XFMRs 75 kVA & Larger

712.722.1662 | www.interstates.com |

The PowerBI dashboard allows the client to:

Generate cost and safety analyses Ve lies cutarliiczael cgoema rpaocnceonr dt si nagn dt o lifecycle status

Dr eepvl ea lcoepmaenndt ms c ahiendt au il ne s


SOLUTION Ipnotwe resrt a tde iss tnr iebeudtei odn t o e tqhuoi rpomuegnhtl y aanudd i t i dt heen tci fl yi e n at ’lsl nl i ne tews . oI rnkf o- cromnantei oc tneadb oduetvwi chees n ar epl iaet ceed o ft eo l e pc trroi dc aulcgt ei oanr wo ra swaapsp rnooa cl ho inngge or r shuapdp og or tneed p ba ys t ti ht se l i mf e aenxupfeaccttaunr ce yr wI not eurl sdt ant ee se’da ut od i tbtee acma t da leopgluo ey de d. Tt oo t ha ce ccol mi e np tl i’ ss hp l at hnitss, tnou mr eecrooruds pe hl eocttor si coafl t he qe uwi po mr keanrte ams ,eitnasdt aa tl laa tai onnds , taankde configurations. The data was captured using tools sauncdhMaisc rt ho seoMf t ePnodwi xe rL oPwl a-tCf oordme ’ sd ePvoewl oepr mA epnpts .p l a t f o r m Ta nhoe mc aapl iteusr, eadn dd adt ea l wi v ae sr et hd et no satna enxdtaerrdniazlecdl i, ec nl etannestewdof or kr and Microsoft Office 365 platform for the client to cPoonwseurmB eI ar enpdo rr et ipnogr ta onnd . Ma ni ac rl yotsi oc sf t tPooowl ewr aPsl aut ft oi lri zme’ds tPoo wper roBv Ii dael l oi nwssi gt hh tes c ol i ne n tt ht eo vc il si euna tl ’i sz e cealpe tcut rr iecda l dgaetaar. apne rdt api nr oi nt egc tt iov ep lda envt ,i cdeesv iwc eh, i laen di s oml aatni nugf a icnt uf orremr af rt ioomn the project inputs. “r Te phree sperno tcaetsi sv ew. “aIswsams oi no vt ho l va endd feoar styh,”e seanytsi rteh pe rcolci ee ns st af ancdi l iwt i ei lsl tmo apnl aang ee qtuhiep md aetnat flri foemc y ct lhees .”s t u d y w i t h o u r

Aging Equipment and Electrical Infrastructure. Components at the end of tt hh ee yi r al irfee coybcsloe l ae rt ee , stuhsecme patni bulfea ct ot ufraei lrunr oe . I f longer makes or sells replacement parts. Unreliable Gear. Sudden downtime cparuo sdeudc tbi oyna gaendd ocra no bi ms opl ea tcet qdue vail ci teys. d i s r u p t s Lack of Useful Data on Obsolescence. Iyno uo rndeeerdt ot opkl anno wa nwd hbeund gg ee ta rf oorr tchoemf uptounr ee n, t s wp ai rl lt sb ewai ltl tbhee aevnadi l aobf lteh ewi rh el inf eycoy uc l ense eadn dt hi fe m .



Wt h ei t hc l ai egni nt gwpalsa nmt so, t mi v aa tneyd gtaoi ngeedt tt hh reoduagtha ai tc qnueiesdi tei od ntso, s“ It ’amr t apdadr rt e sosf i nag ocbosroploersac teen ceenagni nd ei me rpi nr go v eg rroe ul i pa b itlhi tayt. mp l aa nn tasg,”e ss atyhse ai nr ferparset sr ue nc ttua rt iev eo fo fn et haer l yc l i5e0n tp. r“ oI tdcuacnt i obne difficult to get to the level of detail needed without am at hniargde pt ha ret yd alti ak .e” CI nh toeorssitnagt easn haeul pd ii nt gw at os aclos lol evcitt aal nt do mt h ae i rnet pa irne isnegn tt ahtei vsea, f“eWt ye ohf ai vt se ee mx ppel roiyeenecse. dAac choarnddi nf ugl toof ec ol eucltdr ihc aa vl eo ub teaegne as vdoui de etdo ha ag di nwg ee qa luriepamd ye nhta tdh taht el idk ae tl ya from this evaluation.”

712.722.1662 | www.interstates.com |

RESULTS Ta shsee tesv tahl ua at nt i eoendpt roobvee da dt dh raet st sheedc. lWi e int ht dt ho ee si nhf oa vr me aagt ii on ng gleaned from Interstates’ audit, the client can: | Utilize the PowerBI dashboard to visualize all the data from the audit, along with photos of specific | pMieackeessomf aerletecrtrbicuaslingeeassr decisions and investment pa nl adn ss ybsat es me ds owni lkl nl iokwe liyn gn ewe hd etno ebqeurieppml aecnetd | sCtraekaethe orledpeor rs ttsoapnlda ns hf oa rr ee xv pi taanl si ni of onrsmo ar tui opng rwa di tehs | pDleavneslotopbporoesvtenretalitaibveilimtyaintenance or remediation | Koef eupn pi tlsa np nl aendt sdoopwenrtaitmi oendaul aentdo ba vr oo ki de nt hoere x p e n s e | fIanicl irnega seel epcltarni ctasl aefqe ut yi pf omreint st e m p l o y e e s Wl i f ei t he x ps oe lci tda ndcayt, at hoenc l ii tesn te cqauni pnmo ewn td’ se vceol onpd iitni of onr ma ne dd ri ne vpel as ct me me ne tnst na ne ed d u pt og r abdee mp laadnes, , iasns tui ec i pcaot me pwe hl l ei nr ge raetpaollrittss, apnladnetsn.hance equipment reliability and safety “We will build a five-year capital plan for each of the fuancdileitrisetsanedvsalwuahteerde atnhde rmisakkeis sure our leadership

PLANNING WITH CONFIDENCE Tf rhoemc l i et nh ti sc a no bu st iol ilzees ct ehne cdea t aeavna dl uaant iaolny t i ctsod a ps hebr fooarrmd rl oe np gl a- tceermme nc to scto smt aannaagl ey ms ees ntto f odre tpeor wm ei nr ed si shtor irbt -u tai no nd gKenaorwai nngd rdeepvl ai cceesm ienn ti tcs o satust oi sm cart ii toi nc a le nt ov i rl oo nn gm- teenrtms . mr uaninnitne gn asnmc eo o tshc hl ye. dIut ’lsi nagl s oa neds s ekne teipa il nfgr o mp r oad us catf ieot ny swt ha ne nd ptooi nr te p– laavcoe i dg ienagr eoqru di pemv iecne st fwa i il lul rlee aa dn dt ok nao swaifnegr work environment for their employees. Ultimately, the client now has the data at its fingertips tcoa ng ani no wi n sbi geh ta icnhtioe viet sd a bg yi n ga veol ei dc ti nr igc a le qgue iapr.mSeanvti n og sr dc aeuvsi cee se mf apilloi nyge e dduorwi nngt i mp er o, dpulcatni ot nd, owwhnitci mh e ,c oaunl dd rr eu pn lnaicnegma eg na ti nc. oNsot ws at hs saot ct ihaet ye dc awn iet vha lgueat tt ei nagn dt hree mp leadnyt tt hh ee sceo nptoi ni nutist yoof f f oa ipl ue rr ae t iboenf so ri se mt haexyi mc iazuesde. p r o b l e m s , Interstates has 70+ years of combined experience evaluating and updating electrical infrastructures to increase reliability and safety at industrial facilities across the country. Call Corey Hoffman at 712-541-8609 or email him at Corey.Hoffman@ interstates.com to learn how an Electrical Obsolescence Evaluation can benefit your plant.

tmo i ms s ai okne boef t ttehre d be cuissiinoensss f,”o rs at hyes the client representative, who adds that quantifiable metrics ob ne ahvoawi l at hbel eaaufdt ei trhma so rhee ltpi me de wh ai lsl passed. He says that right now, keeping people safe is the first pt hrei o rai tuyd, si to trhees uc llitesn tt wo i lrl eumt i loivz ee o eq ld u e i r p , me p n o t t . ent “ i L a i l f l e y cyc d li a n n g ger t o h u i s s equipment removes the pb eo t et hn et i acl a fuosre ool df sehqouci kpsm oe rn t a tr oc flash incidents,” explains the representative.

712.722.1662 | www.interstates.com |

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