Arc Flash Report | Interstates

Section 2: Results Arc Flash Results

The Arc Flash Study was conducted to find out what personal protective equipment (PPE) is needed at each switchboard, panelboard, control panel, and motor control center. PPE is only needed if the owner chooses to work on the equipment live. A warning tag will need to be clearly visible on each switchboard, panelboard, industrial control panel, and motor control center. The tag will say “WARNING Arc Flash and Shock Hazard Appropriate PPE Required”. Below is an example of the type of tag to be installed on the electrical equipment. The information included on the tag corresponds to the arc flash tag information generated by the software arc flash module. The following pages present Table 2: Arc Flash Evaluation Report for the equipment that is potentially subject to live work at this facility. Load side and line side refers to exposure to either the load side or the line side of the main protective device of the equipment. Load side is after the protective device and inside of its zone of protection. The load side arc flash hazard is typical for most installations and applies when the circuit breaker or fuse is located outside of the equipment or is compartmentalized into an incoming section. Line side exposure occurs when the protective device in the equipment is not isolated, and the incoming connections to the device are exposed. The line side of the protective device is outside of the zone of protection from that device, and so the arc flash hazard is typically higher on the line side. If the line side is exposed, this value is typically used to label the equipment arc flash hazard. The line side calculations have been provided for panelboards, disconnects and enclosures. In the case of switchboards, switchgear and MCCs, both the line side arc flash tag as well as the load side arc flash tag will be installed on the equipment. See Appendix A: Arc Flash Technical Information for technical information regarding arc flash and the protective equipment requirements.


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